Feudum: Rudders and Ramparts (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 9.25
Players: 2 to 6
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of the Rudders & Ramparts Board Game Expansion for Feudum by Odd Bird Games. Includes Expansion plus all unlocked stretch goals. Requires Feudum core game (sold separately). Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included
By Jove! A splendid array of vessels has just arrived at port! You and a host of wealthy nobles have assembled to ogle these kingly keels in hopes of procuring one. Will you return gloriously aboard your sturdy sloop, stealthy submersible or ethereal airship—or save your shillings to reinforce your ramparts?
Feudum: Rudders & Ramparts is a clever expansion to the award-winning game Feudum featuring artisan-edition vessels and castles! Exquisitely crafted by Justin Schultz, Bruce Monson and Scott Ryan, these deluxe components may be used to play a military variant of the game—or enjoyed solely for their beauty.
Stretch Goals
How to Play this Expansion
These minor rule additions add a boatload of interesting choices! Players with castles forego the need to reinforce their feudums with subjects because a gold-clad “royal guard” accompanies each castle! Conversely, deluxe vessels make targets of any opponent in a nearby port. But beware! The expensive upkeep may slowly impoverish a player.
How to Play the Base Game
Download the base game rules to Feudum or watch the animated rules or video playthroughs below!
Jon Gets Games does a wonderful playthrough/teach of the base game Feudum.
Anthony and Frances from Ant Lab Games do a stellar two-player playthrough/review.
Try Feudum on tabletop!
By Jove! A splendid array of vessels have arrived at port. Will you use your wealth to procure a craft—or save your shillings to reinforce your ramparts?
The Rudders & Ramparts expansion features artisan-edition vessels and castles that may be used purely for decoration—or to play a military variant of the game Feudum!
Upon acquiring a regular vessel or feudum, players may pay an additional shilling to upgrade to a deluxe vessel or castle feudum. Players earn +1 attack for a deluxe vessel and +1 defense for a castle feudum. At the dawn of each epoch, players must pay 1 shilling to maintain each castle or deluxe vessel in their possession—or lose their advantage!
These minor rule additions add a boatload of interesting choices! Players with castles forego the need to reinforce their feudums with subjects because a gold-clad “royal guard” accompanies each castle! Conversely, deluxe vessels make targets of any opponent in a nearby port. But beware! The expensive upkeep may slowly impoverish a player.
–from the publisher
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