Bushido: Rising Rage Bundle (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 7.9
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Retail edition of Bushido base board game.
Rising Rage Includes:
🔥 5 New Dice
🔥 4 New Weapons (8 cards total)
🔥 20 New Techniques (+ 3 additional Basic School cards)
As you might imagine, the expansion focuses on the rage mechanic in the game, giving players more ways to use and acquire rage.
The new cards often feature ways for you to acquire or spend Rage Tokens, and the new dice feature a Rage Result allowing players a way to collect Rage Tokens without changing their guard!
The addition of the expansion tweaks the rules in small ways (Weapons for example are chosen from a random selection instead of the complete arsenal of 8+ weapon Cards) but otherwise simply adds more ways for you to show off your martial mastery and manipulate the power you put into each attack! The Expansion also works with the 4-player rules.
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