Dungeon Crusade Book I: Genesis of Evil (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 9.54
Players: 1 to 6
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter “Master of the Realm” Pledge Level Edition of Dungeon Crusade – Book I: Genesis of Evil Board Game. Includes core Dungeon Crusade base game, The Avalon Adventure game, 3 House of Chance games, all stretch goals. This is the definitive Dungeon Crusade experience!. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Welcome to the world of Avalon!
Dungeon Crusade is a solo/co-operative, sandbox dungeon crawl. Inspired by the classic age of board games, role-playing games and video games but fitted with new and fresh mechanics.
In Dungeon Crusade your party will enter an ancient dungeon located beneath a village to stem the tide of evil beleaguering the poor villagers. Each time you visit you the dungeon you will have an over arching goal that you need to achieve, but you can also pick up side quests and even some odd jobs from the tavern to further modify your adventure!
6 stalwart Heroes are accompanied by their trusty fetch hound Albus. Each Hero has strengths and weakness, and it is up to you to decide if you will split the party to cover more ground or stick together incase a larger threat presents itself…
In the dungeon you will encounter wandering monsters who move about the board. Beware! These monsters might turn into raiding monsters and make their way to village.
You can mine for minerals to craft enhancements for your weapons. You can seek out and hunt down rare and legendary artifacts. You can send Albus back to the village to get a potion in a pinch.
If your quest is successful then the village celebrates in your honor and throws you a grand feast and presents your party with gifts. You can shop around for new gear from the ever changing marketplace, gamble some gold in the house of chance, visit a temple and pray for assistance and more!
Don’t get too comfortable because evil never rests and you’ll find yourself back in the dungeon facing tougher challenges but hopefully better armed!
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