Fleet: First Mate Pledge (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 6.67
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 6.99
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2018
Content Notes: Kickstarter “First Mate” Pledge for Fleet the card game. Includes core game, KS Exclusive Salvage Yard License cards, and Fleet Mini-Expansion. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included. [note: the wooden die is not included].please contact us at The Game Steward.
Salty Captain (Set of 8 cards)
The first bonus is the Salty Captain. The Salty Captain is a unique card that can be purchased during any Hire Captains phase by any player. It is the only card in Fleet that works that way and it is a great way to maximize your boats. The Salty Captains can be purchased instead of using a boat card as a captain. Salty Captains allow a boat to catch TWO crates of fish per Fishing Phase AND to hold EIGHT fish instead of just four.
Salvage Yard License (Set of 4 license cards)
The second bonus is the KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVE Salvage Yard License (set of 4). The only way to get this card will be through Kickstarter.
Salvage Yard integrates into the license deck and adds a new way to generate cash for players that choose to use it. Salvage Yard allows players to salvage a boat card from their hand for its cash value in new boat cards. It is a powerful way to generate cash, but must be used wisely as it counts as a launch!
12K Stretch Goal – Inuit Fisherman (set of 8 Cards)
The Inuit Fisherman is a powerful add-on to any Fleet! The power of the Inuit Fisherman is that he does not require a license to launch and NO captain needed! The best part is he still catches fish and counts towards all the applicable bonuses (launch, captain, and VP). Inuit Fisherman is a great card set that can be added right to Fleet and provide additional strategy and flexibility.
This thing is pretty huge and awesome and will have the Fleet logo stamped in place of the 6. It is so big, we recommend you roll it to see who goes first then use it as an alternate starting player marker! Plus, it plays directly with the 24K stretch goal!
24K Stretch Goal – Nunavut Weather Authority (Set of 4 Cards)
This card is something that a lot of you have asked (and voted!) for and an idea Ben and I had looked at during the design process. Well, you spoke, we listened! Ben and I went to the Fleet archives and dug up HURRICANE! We adjusted and played and tested to make sure it would balance with the game AND use the awesome Fleet die.
Nunavut Weather Authority
30K Stretch Goal – Upgraded License Cards
The $30K stretch goal increases the size of the Fleet license cards! Making them slightly larger than the boat cards will make them stand out and allow for easy reading of the icons and text. This is a great upgrade to Fleet for Kickstarter and production.
Game Play
In the northwest corner of Nunavut, Canada, a formerly inaccessible bay off of the Arctic Ocean has become reachable through a secret inlet. Untouched by the hands of time and fed by both the ocean and warm fresh water springs, Ridback Bay is teeming with sea life. A remote, timeless bayside village is now being inundated by entrepreneurs awaiting the influx of the world’s greatest fisherman to harvest this plentiful bounty. The docks and warehouses are being revitalized, and now it is time to begin the real adventure. Go build your Fleet and become master of the high seas!
Fleet is an exciting, strategic card game with in-depth decisions and thrilling game play that new and experienced gamers can enjoy! In Fleet, you’ll acquire licenses, launch boats, and fish the great briny blue. The player who best manages his resources and acquires the most VP via fish, licenses, and boats will build the strongest fleet and lead his crew to victory!
–From the publisher
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