For Sale: Autorama (Kickstarter Special)
Players: 3 to 6
Published: 2021
Content Notes: Kickstarter Edition of For Sale: Autorama Board Game by Eagle Gryphon Games. Includes core game and all unlocked stretch goals Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
A new standalone game of For Sale that includes new content as as well as all new art by Kwanchai Moriya.
For Sale Autorama is a quick, fun game about buying and selling vehicles – cars, motorcycles, RVs, semi-trucks, etc. During the game’s THREE distinct phases, players first bid to hire all new advisors which will assist them in other phases, purchase several vehicles then, after all vehicles have been bought, sell those vehicles for the greatest profit possible.
Eagle-Gryphon Games is pleased to offer you a new standalone game of For Sale that includes new content designed by Stefan Dorra as well as all new art by Kwanchai Moriya.
For Sale Autorama is a quick-playing auction game about buying and selling vehicles – from classic cars to custom rides. During the first phase of the game, players bid to hire talented advisors who will assist them in the two following phases when (in phase two) players purchase vehicles; and after all vehicles have been bought, (in phase three) they sell those vehicles for the greatest profit possible.
This new edition of For Sale features all new artwork from Kwanchi Moriya (Dinosaur Island, Gangster’s Dilemma) of 30 unique vehicles and 30 new Advisors! The new Advisors expansion has been fully integrated into the gameplay of For Sale Autorama.
For those who already own For Sale, and would like to add and experience the Advisors content, we have made the For Sale: Advisors expansion available!
For Sale Autorama:
- 30 Advisor Cards
- 30 Vehicle Cards
- 30 Check Cards
- 72 Money Tokens
-description from publisher
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