Temp Worker Assassins (Retail Edition)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.59
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.11
Players: 2 to 4
Published: 2016
Content Notes: Retail Edition of Temp Worker Assassins.
Each of you have been hired to infiltrate Bureaucrat Castle (through a five day temporary contract) and take out as many employees as possible.
Targets will range in difficulty and bounty from the remarkably puny Health and Safety Halfling to the unsurprisingly resilient Acquisition & Merger Viking.
Unfortunately, it is company policy to search new staff at the door, so you will have to use whatever makeshift weaponry you manage to smuggle in and what stationery you can ‘find’ on site. Good luck and may your pencils be reasonably sharp.
Temp Worker Assassins is a deck building, worker placement game for 2 – 4 players. Played over 5 days (rounds) it will take you around 40 minutes to steal the stationery, sneak around the office and kill the employees.
About The Game
Temp Worker Assassins is a fun, strategic and quick multi-player game. Each player takes turns placing assassins in a fantasy office with the aim to steal as much stationery and kill as many full-time employees as possible.
Each employee has a toughness you must overcome in order to gain the gold bounty on their head. The player with the most gold at the end of the week wins the game!
The game is a new deck building, worker placement game for 2 – 4 players. Played over 5 days (rounds) it will take you around 40 minutes to steal the stationery, sneak around the office and kill the employees.
With so many Department Cards to choose from and so many Targets that could be eliminated, there’s a lot of variety between each game. And even then it’s up to you to decide what strategy you would like to follow in order to win!
What’s In the Box
In return for your support you will get a first edition copy of Temp Worker Assassins at a discounted price with free shipping to the UK and USA. In each game there are the following.
35 Target Cards: The dreaded full-time employees you will be attempting to assassinate.
22 Department Cards: Where you go to “work”. Here you will place your assassin meeples to steal stationery, draw and trash cards, or simply annoy your fellow co-workers.
4 Starting Decks of 10 basic Stationery Cards: What you manage to smuggle into the office as weapons. You can do a surprising amount of damage with pencils, but you will need more and better items to take out your colleagues.
60 Stationery Supply cards: The coveted treasures of the Forbidden Stationery Cupboard. Ranging from Fully Loaded Staplers to Sadistic Safety Scissors.
5 Turn Marker Cards: The Daily Bulletins. These are added to the game each day (turn) so you have from Monday to Friday to get your contract fulfilled.
20 Meeples(5 red, 5 green, 5 blue and 5 black): These represent your team of assassins that you control to cause havoc in the workplace. There is also a Starting Player Marker for deciding who managed to get to work on time.
How To Play
Playing the game is simple. Once the game is set up (see Example Set Up image below), each player chooses their starting deck and corresponding meeples. There are no differences between the sets other than your colour preference for assassin office-ware. Shuffle your deck and draw five cards.
Each player takes turns placing an assassin in the office until all assassins have been placed (the end of the day).
When placing an assassin a player has two main choices:
1) Occupy a Department
Place an assassin and the effects of the space are activated. E.g., Pete places an assassin in the Spiteful Statistics Dept., so he draws two cards.
2) Attempt an Assassination
To attempt an assassination a player places an assassin on a face up Target Card. That player then plays cards from their hand one at a time until either their total attack is equal to or higher than the Target Card’s defence score, or until they can play no further cards.
Play continues until the end of Friday, after which the player with the most gold wins the game and becomes this week’s top assassin!
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