Volfyirion: Collector’s Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Rating: 5.53
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 8.62
Players: 2 to 2
Published: 2019
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Volfyirion: Collector’s Pledge Pledge for Volfyirion by Tabula Games. INCLUDES:, Volfyirion Card Game, Dragon Miniature, KS Exclusive Collector’s Box, plus all other unlocked stretch goals. Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
Volfyirion is a game set in the wonderful world of Mysthea, sixty years before the events of the main game. It’s a competitive and fast paced deck-building card game for two players.
In the game you will employ everything you have trying to destroy all your opponent cities. Your army and Qoam manipulation will be your most reliable asset, but you will also be able to try to tame and control Volfyirion the Dragon: a dreadful beast that can bring destruction on the battlefield on your behalf. But beware: your opponent will try to do the same!
–description from the publisher
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